New Trailer for Charles Darwin Biopic ‘Creation’

Biopics seem to be the hot thing in Hollywood lately; ones about Lance Armstrong, John Brown, The Runaways and Martin Luther King Jr. all coming soon. Add Charles Darwin, the mastermind who crafted the Theory of Evolution, to that list. The movie will be based upon his life: how his undeniably true ideas clash with his religious wife, and could even affect his lifelong pursuit. Paul Bettany, most known for his role as Silas in The Da Vinci Code and as Jarvis in Iron Man, portrays Darwin with Jennifer Connelly as his wife. Screenwriters are John Collee (Happy Feet, Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World) and Randal Keynes (TV movie called Darwin's Daughter) and it's directed by Jon Amiel (The Tudors).

Check out the trailer below from UK newspaper site Telegraph.

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