Sick New Trailer for ‘Pandorum’

The teaser for Pandorum was amazing. It reminded me of that Saw V trap where you get your head trapped in a box with a tube in your neck that you have to get out to unlock the box before it fills with water. (Don't ask me to explain it, this is about Pandorum, not Saw!) So here lies that teaser, make way for the new full-length trailer! It premiered at Comic-Con, but since sadly I wasn't there, I just saw it moments ago over at Cinema Blend. It isn't quite as good as the teaser (this one is riddled with special-effects and screaming), although this movie might surprise us. Some people are saying that you can't tell the plot from the preview. I disagree, you can totally understand! Some people are captured and wake up godnowswhere and don't know who or where they are. Check it out below.

Pandorum comes to theaters September 18th.

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