Jon Favreau Tweets on ‘Iron Man 2’

We all know Twitter is the "new thing" on the web. But the gadget may be useful for something after all-Jon Favreau, director of the upcoming Iron Man 2 is tweeting on production of the Marvel flick. Here are his latest updates. Check out the last one, especially!

May 1: "Wrecking the joint. Not much left of the set. Broken stuff everywhere. Should look cool on screen."

May 4: "More suited destruction today. Rigging a big gag with lots of cameras."

May 4: "ILM on set today. Doing a mix of practical suits and Imocap, their version of onset motion capture developed originally for Pirates 2."

May 6: "Scarlett's first day on set in the Black Widow outfit. You've never heard a crew get so quiet so fast."

That's exciting, right?

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