‘The Adventures of TinTin’ Announces a Due Date

Comic book The Adventures of TinTin will always to me be known as the book that no one ever checked out at the library. When I heard it was being made into a movie, I was shocked! How can they make a TinTin full feature-length film? But once I heard that Steven Spielberg and Peter Jackson were behind it I started to go with the flow with this one, not slam production ideas, trailers, and posters. It was only when I discovered that Edgar Wright was one of the writers for the 3D spectacle that I really got pumped for it. Wright, if you're unaware, wrote and directed Hot Fuzz and Shaun of the Dead (figures, since Simon Pegg and Nick Frost star in this) and also starred in Son of Rambow. However Spielberg's last movie (which happened to be Indiana Jones 5) was a disappointment. Although Peter Jackson's last major directorial was King Kong, and that was pretty sweet!

Along with Pegg and Frost, the cast include Daniel Craig, Jamie Bell (Defiance) and Andy Serkis. Kathleen Kennedy produces (The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull) along with Spielberg and Jackson. The title of the movie is now officially The Adventures of TinTin: Secret of the Unicorn.

So on to the release date: it's December 23, 2011. WHAT? How long does post-production take, Spielberg? It's May 30th, 2009; can't we have it this winter?

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